La gestion des pêcheries mixtes représente un défi particulier
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Our "Simply..." series of briefings addresses current and important issues relating to the reform of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy. They are intended to:
• give a short introduction to the issue,
• explain the significance of it in the reform, and
• give our recommendations for how best to address the issue through the reform.
In no longer than two pages and using non-technical language that doesn’t require background knowledge, we hope these documents will be helpful for policy-makers, NGOs, or members of the public that may not have the time to read our more comprehensive briefings.
Read about discards in English | en Français
Read about Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) in English | en Français
Read about mixed fisheries in English | en Français
Read our technical briefing on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund vote, 23 October 2013